Technical analysis of the application of small-pitch LED splicers

각종 출력·제본·인쇄 전문기업
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Technical analysis of the application of small-pitch LED splicers

Finlay Richer 0 21 09.03 17:43
Small-pitch LED splicing has a large display surface and small seams, and it has quickly become popular in the business. More and more large-scale projects have begun to focus on small-pitch LED splicing. For example, monitoring display, banking, education and other fields have begun to extend a hand of friendship to small-pitch LEDs. In this development, the role of small-pitch LED splicers has become more and more important. Then in its application, we What aspects should be paid attention to?

1. Signal output synchronization

The small-pitch LEDs are spliced into multiple signal outputs, which must be synchronous signals, otherwise the picture displayed on the display screen with asynchronous signals will have cracks and incompleteness. Especially when playing images in motion at high altitude, if the signal is not synchronized, the phenomenon is particularly obvious. How to ensure the synchronization of small-pitch LED splicing signal output is the key to the splicing system.

2. Graphics processing algorithm

The best display effect is dot-to-dot display, which is a reduced and processed image. Just using ordinary processing techniques will reduce the effect, and the image will appear jagged or missing pixels. The image processing of the small-pitch big led screen splicing system is the best at present, which can ensure the display effect of the processed image.

3. Resolution output

The small-pitch LED splicing display is a large display spliced by LED screens one by one. The display size and resolution of each small-pitch LED splicing screen are consistent, but the spliced large screen is not necessarily the same as the small one. Unit resolution is the same. However, the small-pitch LED splicing controller can allocate resources reasonably, thereby effectively saving the use of small-pitch LED controllers and signal transmission equipment.
